It was a privilege to peek into the philosophies and techniques and methods used over at Michael Gordon’s Sandler Training this week! Michael led a fascinating workshop on building and sustaining relationships, qualifying opportunities, and CLOSING sales.
All part of a bigger picture called the Sandler Selling System, the techniques Michael introduced us to help for a gentler, less aggressive approach to sales that has been proven, time and time again, to produce RESULTS.
In 1967, David Sandler realized that the traditional sales model was broken. Feature and benefit selling, discounting, and high-pressure tactics had led to a downward spiral, and salespeople were one of the most hated professions. They deserved better. Prospects deserved better. And, he set out to design a better methodology, based on behavioral psychology that worked for both parties.
While other sales training teaches you how to get better at playing the sales game, The Sandler Selling System has three key stages designed to prevent those games from ever being played:
1. Building and sustaining the relationship: Learn how to take the lead in the buyer/seller dance, set clear expectations, and establish guidelines for the ultimate decision, all while establishing an open, honest relationship.
2. Qualifying the opportunity: You will learn how you, the salesperson, will determine if there is a good fit with the prospect’s needs, budget, and decision-making process and timeline.
3. Closing the sale: Should the prospect qualify for your solution, then you will learn how to make a no-pressure presentation, confirm the agreement, and set expectations for delivery and referrals.
Thank you, Michael, for sharing your wisdom with us! We can’t wait to implement the tools we were given!
To learn more about training your sales team, or to upgrade your sales strategies and maximize your efforts, please visit Michael at