
In this week’s EAOC meeting, multiple award-winning author and national speaker Stacey Brown Randall Zoomed in, all the way from South Carolina! Stacey showed us the powerful formula to creating long-term business referrals, something that will sustain and even GROW a business during times of uncertainty.

One thing many of us don’t put enough value into is taking care of our referral sources, or those who send us new clients. Since so many of us are finding ourselves with a little extra time these days, the timing has never been better to sit down and identify one’s OWN referral sources. This is the first step in solidifying a continuous, long-term referral stream.

To do this, Stacey recommends digging into the last year’s business data, and identifying which clients were REFERRED, and which were organic. Out of the referred clients, where did the introduction originate? A networking event? An associate? A friend?

Once referral sources have been established, it’s important to make sure that they are being THANKED in a memorable and meaningful way. Take care of the people who take care of your business! Make this first step of Stacey’s formula a HABIT, and watch the transformation begin!

To get the next step in Stacey’s formula, or to learn more about increasing your business referrals, please visit

• Facebook Group: Referrals Without Asking -
• Podcast: Roadmap to Grow Your Business (available on all podcast listening apps)
• Book: Generating Business Referrals Without Asking


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What People are Saying

In 2008, a former member gave a lead of a local private school. After my initial visit, they signed on as a client and ordered small orders regularly, every year. As they grew, so did their order size. And although the member has not been a member for several years, this client has accounted for a total revenue of $60,000 at very nice profit margins. We have built a very good relationship with the school, and expect they will continue to order much in the years to come.  An example of how EAOC keeps on working...The Lead that KEEPS ON GIVING!

Carlos Salazar, Salazar Associates

We receive thousands of dollars of business each year directly from our members, but more importantly, through our member's referrals. 

Also, we have saved a significant amount of money on services and products our members offer. I am using or have used our CC merchant, our promotional member, our commercial insurance broker, our handyman, our Labor Law Attorney, our pest control company, our Fleet Vehicle dealer, our event center and restaurant member, our florist, our HVAC contractor, our Paving Contractor, our Glass and Shower Door member, our realtor, and have referred them to our friends and customers. 

Ron Dymek, Dymek’s Freedom Plumbing

When I was invited to be a part of the EAOC, I had no idea that a “by invitation only” networking group existed. Well, we’ve been around since the early 70’s. And, what a great group of business associates we have. 

Not only are these members excellent business owners that I can refer my clients to, they are an invaluable source of knowledge for me and my clients. 

Often, merely providing information is just what was needed. These professionals are like my business partners, they are champions of my business as well as their own. 

Joining this group of dedicated business professionals has been the key to my success and I’m happy to be a part of this fantastic group. 

Gizi Clemmer, FirstTeam Real Estate

I joined EAOC because of a friend.  In my first year I have gained over 10k in continual annual business.

Quinton Fasola, ASURE Software

In the past 42 years I have received many good leads that have become good clients.  Many of them are still clients of the firm I am with today (This represented 50% of the clients that I merged into the new firm).  I have used many past and current members for a reliable source of good and reputable suppliers for both business and personal needs, including several members that helped me make profitable investments over the years.

Hal Grimshaw, Belden Hiramoto Liu & Co., LLP

I joined EAOC because Phil Kintz asked me. At the time the cost and early meeting time was a concern. The first six months of membership I received an extra $6000 in volume.

Gary Gregg, Creating With Glass

I have been a member for many years in several different classifications. EAOC has always provided me with a steady flow of leads. However the biggest benefit I’ve received has been “outside” of the core purpose of leads. A past member John Valentine, mentioned to me that he had heard about some industrial land for sale in Costa Mesa. I ended up buying it, building a warehouse and running my business at the time (South Coast Stationers) there for about thirty years. It was an excellent investment.

Pete Sloan,

A lead from Past member Bob Hardman eight years ago resulted in $15,000 of business. A lead from Mel Smith eight years ago resulted in $25,000 of business. Benefits of membership include direct business from other members resulting in $10,000 in business and direct business with other members that resulted in excellent service and financial savings.

Carlos Salazar, Salazar Associates

I have built my entire business on leads from the EAOC. I started my association management firm in 1981 with one client EAOC. In the last thirty four years the business has grown to fourteen associations. We employ eleven full time and one part time employee. I can trace ten of my long term clients to referrals from EAOC that brings in over $500,000 annually. The network of present and passed members has had a tremendous impact on my life.

Gayle Stewart, Gayle Stewart Enterprises

EAOC has been a reliable source of steady business for me for about thirty years. Thank You EAOC!

Pete Sloan

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